December 08, 2012

Configure LAMP and How to fixing Apache issue ServerName issue.

December 08, 2012 0

There are lots of tutorials available for Apache,MySql and PHP installation on linux and Windows. But I prefer the simple one for Debian.Command will not work without caret(^). sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ Now,This will download and install the Apache,PHP and MySql. step1 : test "localhost" in browser. Works !!
step2 : run the apache2 service. $ sudo service apache2 restart
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
If it works !! You are champ.
For me ,It throws an error --
codeleaf@dotorbit-backbox:/media/Development/Developer/HEROKU/DotOrbit$ sudo service apache2 restart
* Restarting web server apache2
apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
... waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
I googled about it and found the solution,
By default "httpd.conf" file will be blank. Now, simply add the following line to the file. $ sudo gedit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf Add the following line to "httpd.conf" and save it . ServerName localhost Now restart the server. $ sudo service apache2 restart
$ * Restarting web apache 2 server
... waiting
Woohoo.. It works
step3 - Test whether PHP is working or not ? Create "test.php" in /var/www/ directory. $ sudo gedit /var/www/test.php and add following line " < ?php phpinfo(); ? > step 4 - Test localhost/test.php and you will get the info page. e.g "PHP Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4"

May 27, 2012

How to install 686-PAE kernel on Linux Mint Debian Edition-i486?

May 27, 2012 2

Before using Linux Mint Debiab Edition(LMDE) I was using Ubuntu-12.04LTS .
It was my worst experience with ubuntu. It looks like Ubuntu12.04LTS is not matured. I've faced lots of problems like touchpad freezes , after updates system get crashed , lots of bug reporting etc . Anyway I'm not anti-ubuntu .
In frustration I removed Ubuntu12.04 and installed LMDE on my Dell Vostro-1540 (core-i3).
Since the kernel is built with LMDE 201 109 486, then the default kernel is only able to detect a single core . Result was ,I've experienced some sort have 'hang' during my Android application development .
I decided to install the kernel 686, exactly 686-PAE. This kernel is the best solution for running LMDE on 'multi-core' system .
No need to worry about it .
Simple steps are here to install linux-kernel-i686.
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install linux-image-686 linux-headers-686-pae
for i486.
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install linux-image-486 linux-headers-486
for amd64.
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64

May 22, 2012

April 29, 2012

send tweets from pythom , using python-twitter ...simple way ( 5 steps )

April 29, 2012 0
Today morning around 4am , when I was designing my codeleaf blog site I just thought of tweeting something interesting but I dont wanted to tweet from the twitter Page. Instead, I wanted to tweet from terminal where I was doing other programming stuffs... So I decided to write a python-script to Post a tweet from my Terminal .
So I googled about "tweet from python" and I came across python-twitter and I started following Wiki for implementing that thing .
Steps that need to be followed are as follows ::
1. Register an Application on Twitter Dev-Center
Set your application's "Access level : Read, write, and direct messages "
Otherwise you will get an error for "Access level : Read Only"(TwitterError: Read-only application cannot POST.)

2. Copy your
 consumer_key = 'consumer_key',
 consumer_secret = 'consumer_secret',
 access_token_key = 'access_token_key',
 access_token_secret = 'access_token_secret'
and paste on some TextEditor ,because we will use this later .
3. Installation ( Python-Twitter )

Install the dependencies:
If your python-version > python2.7.2 , then skip first two library and directly install the third-one(python-oauth2) .
Download the latest python-twitter library from:
Extract the source distribution and run:
 $ python build
   $ python install

4 . create a python file and write the below code on it .

 import twitter
 api  = twitter.Api()

 def tweet(tweet_status):
  status = api.PostUpdate(tweet_status)
  print "Posted successfully"
  print status.text

 # OAuth authentication
 api = twitter.Api(
  consumer_key = 'consumer_key',
  consumer_secret = 'consumer_secret',
  access_token_key = 'access_token_key',
  access_token_secret = 'access_token_secret'

 tweet_status = raw_input("Tweet Status : ")

5. Thats it . Now run the script , and Terminal(command prompt) will ask you to enter your "Tweet" .

 $ python 
   Tweet Status : I love Python-Twitter .
   Posted successfully
 Tweet Status : I love Python-Twitter .


April 18, 2012

Deploying Django app on Heroku platform

April 18, 2012 1
Before using Heroku , I used Django-nonrel with Appengine , Django-Appengine , Google Appenigne , FluxFlex , Gondor hosting and Alwaysdata . From my knowledge I think Django-app deployment on Heroku is easier than others . When I was following official tutorial of django app deployment on Heroku , I got some errors so I googled and fixed all those errors . This is Heroku's official Documentation .Deploy Djang on heroku . Lets Start 
Install Heroku-toolbelt
wget -qO- | sh
1.Create folder called Heroku and move into it . $ mkdir Heroku && cd Heroku
2. Create a virtualenv and Activate your virtual environment
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages venv $ source venv/bin/activate This will change your prompt to include the project name. (You must source the virtualenv environment for each terminal session where you wish to run your app.)
3. Install dependencies with pip: $ pip install Django psycopg2 This step was failed for me , During Installation of "pip install psycopg" I got "Error: pg_config executable not found."
Linux User(debian based) : Make sure that u have "libpq-dev python-dev " packages installed . I used following command to install the above libraries $ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev for Windows User click here :
4.Great job ! Now Its time to create a Django app in the current directory: $ startproject greetingheroku .
5. Test the app runs locally by starting up the Django development webserver: $ python runserver
6. Create a pip requirements file which declares our required Python modules: $ pip freeze > requirements.txt All packages required should be declared explicitly in requirements.txt:
  $ nano requirements.txt
now type ctrl+o(save) and ctrl+x(exit)
7. Commit to Git create .gitignore file and Exclude Virtualenv , because we don't want to push our local envirnment to heroku :
  $ nano .gitignore
use ctrl+o(save) & ctrl+x(exit) . You will use Git to deploy code to Heroku
8. Initialize a Git repo and commit the project (if you aren’t already tracking your project with Git):
  $ git init
    Initialized empty Git repository in /home/ashish/developer/Heroku/greetingheroku/.git/
  $ git add .
  $ git commit -m "my django app" 
  $ heroku keys:add

9. Deploy to Heroku Create an app on the Cedar stack:
  $ heroku create --stack cedar
    Creating simple-spring-9999... done, stack is cedar |
    Git remote heroku added

10. Deploy your app: $ git push heroku master If "git push heroku master" gives you an error something like "heroku does not appear to be a git repository ." Then run the following command to add heroku as a git repository . Mostly this will happen , when u changed your app name from "Heroku dev center " $ git remote add heroku
11. Check to see that your web process is up, to start $ heroku ps View your logs: $ heroku logs
12. finally visit your app on the web. $ heroku open
13. Syncing Database $ heroku run python syncdb 14. Using Django Shell $ heroku run python shell
For more information please visit > Deploy Djang on heroku .
My heroku app

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