December 03, 2013

Changing wallpapers in Crunchbang #! Linux .

December 03, 2013 0
I'm using crunchbang #! when it was #!-9 around in 2010 , now using #!-11. Between these period I tested out many linux distros but never feel that any linux is stable as #! is now, because it drops Ubuntu and using Debian-stable :) .
As per the heading of this post to change wallpaper in Crunchbang we need to copy paste the wallpapers( images ) into following directory./home/[username]/images/wallpapers/shared/
But "shared" folder is locked, so we need to copy-paste the images as a "sudo" user. Please Follow the steps.
1 Press "alt+f2" then enter "sudo thunar" and enter your password.
2 Now copy your wallpaper(images) and paste it into "/home/[username]/images/wallpapers/shared/" directory.
3 "Right-click" on the desktop and navigate to " settings > Choose Wallpaper ".
4 Now you can easily see the images and set the wallpaper by selecting images and clicking on "apply" button.

Here is my wallpaper link

Wait for the next crunchbang post. Keep Coding :)


August 07, 2013

Network Manager not running on Ubuntu12.04 at boot-time

August 07, 2013 0
I was configuring PPPOE connection manually by command line using "sudo pppoeconf", and by mistake I changed some settings. So after I restarted my laptop, I was getting an boot time error "waiting for network configuration" and after some time "waiting upto 60 seconds more for network configuration.."
Also there are possibilities to get this error while upgrading the system.
I solved these problem by using 2 methods.
After logged into Ubuntu.
Open terminal, type
First : not a permanent solution
  sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager start
Second : permanent solution
  sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces
And remove the lines after
  auto eth0
  iface eth0 inet loopback
Make sure to save the file before closing it.Reboot the system

July 31, 2013

Sending Email : Django Terminal Test.

July 31, 2013 1

While I was making contact-us form in PHP for my client then I thought about to do same in Djago-Python. Target was to get the form input and email it. Here I'm going to test only the DjangoEmail module using shell.
Edit with code below:
    #settings for django email( writing for gmail)
    EMAIL_USE_TLS = True
    EMAIL_HOST = ''
    SITE_HOST = ''
    DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL ='Dotorbit Team '
    EMAIL_PORT = 587
    EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your-password'
    #Run interactive mode, 
    python shell
    #Import the EmailMessage module,
    >>>from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
    #Send the email,
    >>>email = EmailMessage('Subject goes here ', ' Body goes here ', to=[''])

This will return 1, means everything is working fine. form and view, I'll write in next post.

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