Alternative of google-map API, making request more than 2500.
I was looking for a free api which can help me to get latitude/longitude on the basis of Postcode.
I tested pygeocoder and other api librearies which can help me, but none of them allowed me to query more than 25,000/day cause everyone is belongs to Google.
So I did an old school coding by using Mechanize and BeautifulSoup.
Source Code :
I tested pygeocoder and other api librearies which can help me, but none of them allowed me to query more than 25,000/day cause everyone is belongs to Google.
So I did an old school coding by using Mechanize and BeautifulSoup.
I used It's a free, I think they are providing 30,000 requests for demo user, I didn't tested 30,000 requests cause I've 29,000 records to generate lat/long. I don't want to waste my hits for a day. I'll test and update here.
Code is not clean, cause it's a test.
Keep Coding .
Code is not clean, cause it's a test.
Keep Coding .
import mechanize
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
for x in xrange(30000):
print '----------------- searching ---------------'
br = mechanize.Browser()"")
add = '81100'
br.form["address"] = add
for i in range(0, len(br.find_control(type="checkbox").items)):
br.find_control(type="checkbox").items[i].selected =True
print 'hitting --- ',x
response = br.submit()
soup = BeautifulSoup(response)
links = soup.find_all('li')
print '--------- getting list ----------'
li = soup.find('div', {'class': 'summary'})
print '---------- looking for latitude and longitude -------------'
list= []
children = li.findChildren()
for child in children:
print ' found latitude and longitude at point --> ',x
latitude = list[0]
longitude = list[1]
lat = latitude[9+5:len(latitude)-5].split()
lng = longitude[9+6:len(longitude)-5].split()
print str(lat).replace(',','.')
print str(lng).replace(',','.')
#for f in br.forms():
# print f
Source Code :